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Thursday, August 31, 2017

Technical writing that i use daily.

Hope all is well. Thank you taking the time to read my little post about technical writing.  I am in English II class and we are exploring and learning more about technical writing which is much of the internet.  I use Youtube and Google for my technical reading.  I will discuss more about Youtube since that has been used more by me than Google lately.  Youtube is awesome platform that allows you to post videos and share visuals of documents.

One example of it being used in a form of technical writing was when I used a youtube video to show me how to fix my labtop.  I was in computer class at the time and had a slow running labtop that would die out after sometime of use. I found a video on Youtube by seaching for a video coving the steps needed to take to fix a problem on my make and model of labtop.  Behold I found such a video that went step by step in finding and fixing the problem i was having with it shut off randomly and it being slow.  Turns out an old ad ware virsus was on it and I had to